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Sigma Phi Delta- Beta Delta Chapter

Members of Sigma Phi Delta


Jordan DeNaro

Mailing Address:
117 New Hall West (0428) Blacksburg, VA 24061

Recruitment Contact

Evan Preta

Chapter Advisor

Adam Lacerte

National Website

Chapter Website

Chapter Conduct Status as of 2/28/2024: - Deferred Suspension until May 15, 2025

  • Found responsible for violating the following policy during the Spring 2024 semester: 
    • Hazing
  • Chapter must still complete the following sanctions in the 2024-2025 academic year: Officer Transition Meeting and New Member Syllabus
  • Chapter has completed the following sanctions in the 2023-2024 academic year: Outcome communication to the chapter, New Member Conduct Information Session, Spring 2024 New Member Plan, Chapter Discussion, Anti-Hazing Education, Chapter Town Hall, and Chapter Debrief

% of Members Found Responsible for Individual Student Conduct Violations in 2023-24 Academic Year*: 13%

*The percentage of individual members of each organization who were found responsible for violations of the Virginia Tech Student Code of Conduct during the academic year. These violations were not related to their membership in the organization.



Sigma Phi Delta

Motto: Pro Bono Professions ("For the Good of the Profession")

Values: To promote the advancement of the Engineering Profession; To foster the advancement of Engineering Education, to instill a greater spirit of cooperation among Engineering Students and Organizations; to Inculcate in its members the highest ideals of virtuous manhood, good Citizenship, obedience to Law, and Brotherhood; to encourage excellence in scholarhsip 

Founded: April 11, 1924 at the University of Sothern California 

Chapter Information

Spring 2024 Members: 55

Spring 2024 Chapter GPA: 3.4311

Fall 2024 Projected Initiated Member Dues:  $300

Fall 2024 Projected New Member Dues:  $500

Chapter Philanthropy: New River Community Action

Housing: N/A

Standards of Excellence Score 2023-2024: Gold

Awards & Recognition


  • Virginia Tech Order of Omega Fraternity Leader of the Year Legacy: Spencer Hamilton