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Alpha Tau Omega - Theta Delta Chapter

Members of Alpha Tau Omega at the Pylons

Quinn Pikunas

Mailing Address:
117 New Hall West (0428)
190 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061

Recruitment Contact
Robert Lindh

Chapter Advisor
Evan Rogers

National Website

Chapter Conduct Status as of 5/24/2024:  - Deferred Suspension until May 15, 2025

  • Found responsible for violating the following policy during the Spring 2024 semester: 
    • Alcoholic Beverage
    • Hazing
  • Chapter must still complete the following sanctions in the 2024-2025 academic year: Chapter Debrief, Enhanced Participation in Alpha Tau Omega’s National Congress, Enhanced Participation in Fraternity and Sorority Life’s Fall 2024 Risk Management Institute, Risk Management Analysis, Risk Management Policy Revision, New Member Education Plan/ New Member Syllabus, Enhanced Participation in Fraternity and Sorority Life’s Fall 2024 and Spring 2025’s Commitment to a Hazing Free Experience Meeting, Officer Transition Meeting, Follow-Up Meeting with Student Conduct and Fraternity and Sorority Life staff, Four Corner Activity, Risk Management Review Presentation, Alcohol Education Program, Chapter-Wide Hazing Prevention Event, Anti- Hazing Education, Enhanced Attendance at FSL Sponsored Leadership Events, Progressive Social Privileges

% of Members Found Responsible for Individual Student Conduct Violations in 2023-24 Academic Year*: 21%

*The percentage of individual members of each organization who were found responsible for violations of the Virginia Tech Student Code of Conduct during the academic year. These violations were not related to their membership in the organization.



Sigma Phi Epsilon crest showing colors of purple, red and gold.


Motto: Love and Respect

Values: ATO prides itself on being the first fratnerity in history to  be founded based upon Judeo Christian values and principles

Founded: September 11, 1865 at Virginia Military Institute 

Chapter Information

Spring 2024 Members: 141

Spring 2024 Chapter GPA: 3.3483

Fall 2024 Projected Initiated Member Dues:  $350

Fall 2024 Projected New Member Dues:  $500

Chapter Philanthropy: Women's Resource Center of the New River Valley

Housing: On Campus (Oak Lane)

Standards of Excellence Score 2023-2024: Gold


Greatest Accomplishment of 2020-21: We are very proud of our continued commitment to professional development. We frequently invite professionals to visit our chapter meetings and share their knowledge, as well as conduct resume and interview workshops to assist brothers with career planning.

Awards & Recognition


2019-20 Virginia Tech Fraternity & Sorority Life Excellence in Member Development Award


2018-19 Alpha Tau Omega Impact Award (Excellence in Scholarship and Philanthropy)

2018-19 Alpha Tau Omega True Merit Honorable Mention

2018-19 Virginia Tech Fraternity & Sorority Life Excellence in Scholarhship Award

2018-19 Virginia Tech Fraternity & Sorority Life Excellence in Membership Development Award